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Elgiblity Requirments 

MISS CONTESTANTS Must be born between 1996-2006 and must be at least 18 and no older than 27 by the State Competition

TEEN CONTESTANT Must Born between 2006-2010 and must be at least 14 and no older than 17 by the State Competition 



Miss Lake Martin and Miss Lake Martin Teen will be held on Saturday, October 12th at Benjamine Russell High School Auditorium.  

The start time will be determined by the number of contestants and will be announced the week before the date of competition.

We will be accepting Rising Stars.  



  • Please follow the day of rehearsal schedule in the Contestant Portalof the website.  Upon arrival, check in at the ticket desk at the back entrance of the school.  (once you submit all your paperwork, your confirmation page will provide the password to the Candidate Portal).

  • Competition Day:  arrival time will be 8:30 AM.  Drop off wardrobe and belongings in the dressing room (which will be in the lunchroom/cafeteria).  Then promptly report for rehearsal in the auditorium.

  • Be prepared to stay until the evening’s pageant is complete.  The show/onstage competition will begin at 2:30 PM.​




  • Opening Number, all candidates:  Black cocktail dress.  If you do not have one, we encourage you to borrow one.  If you need further assistance, please contact Sherri  Williams at 334.750.3989 or email us. 



  • Lunch, dinner, and light snacks with bottled water will be provided during the day of competition.  If you have dietary restrictions / special diet, you will need to bring your own food / meals that day.

  • ABSOLUTELY NO food or drinks (including water) in the dressing room or on stage.



  • ONLY 1 female is welcome to assist with drop off but are not allowed to stay until returning to cheer on their candidate from the audience.

  • Once the competition is over, ONLY 1 female is allowed in the dressing room to assist with departure.



  • Official and media photos will be taken – ALL CANDIDATES TO REMAIN ON STAGE AFTER CROWNING.  No one not affiliated with the competition is allowed on stage immediately after crowing.  We ask that spectators do not interfere during the taking of official photos as these need to be taken as quickly as possible.  There will be a photo station set up in the lobby where you are welcome to take additional personal photos.

  • For those selected as Miss Lake Martin and Miss Lake Martin's Teen along with parents/guardians, you will have a meeting which will include signing official Miss Alabama / Miss Alabama's Teen paperwork and other documentation.  This meeting will be take place in a location announced that night.

Lake Martin

Lake Martin
Teen Alabama

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