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We are excited that you are interested in joining the Miss Lake Martin Family!!
Why compete for Miss Lake Martin ?
Gain valuable experience and develop life skills
Win scholarship funds for college and graduate school
Explore new interests and discover new opportunities
Make lifelong friends with motivated women
Foster a positive, self-motivated mindset to achieve your goals
Receive recognition for your efforts and your community




Follow the steps below to reigster for Miss Lake Martin​ (No fee to enter)
​1. Write your Community Service Initiative Essay, sign/date, print, scan, save as a PDF.  Save as:  Division-       Last Name-First Name-CSI.  click here for a sample CSI.
2. Complete Contestant Contract.  Save as a PDF.​  Save as:  â€‹Division-Last Name-First Name-     Candidate Statement of Eligibility.
3. Save black and white headshot/photo as:  â€‹Division-Last Name-First Name-Headshot.
4. Save talent music as:  â€‹Division-Last Name-First Name-Talent.
5. Scan and save birth certificate as:  Division-Last Name-First Name-BC
6. Scan and save driver's license (contestant's or parent's if contestant doesn't have one) as:  Division-Last         Name-First Name-DL.
7. Review, complete, and sign Miss America contract.  Save as PDF:  â€‹Division-Last Name-First Name-MAO     Contract. Don't forget to initial every page where indicated.  
8. Review, complete, and sign Miss Lake Martin Local Contract.  Save as PDF:  Division-Last Name-First         Name-Local Contract.  Don't forget to initial every page where indicated.  
9. Complete ​Contestant Interview Fact Sheet and upload all above documents where indicated. 
​​10.  Print 7 copies of:

  • ​Contestant Interview Fact Sheet

  • Community Service Initiative Essay

  • 8x10 black and white headshot / photo

 Also include a No-Show Deposit Check of $50 made out to Sherri Williams/Miss Lke Martin pageant .  For those who do compete in the competition, your check will be returned at the end of the competition.  Should you win another Miss Alabama preliminary after applying but before the competition, your check will be mailed back to you.

Mail all copies and check to:  Sherri Williams:  595 Windng Road Dadeville, AL 36853.  To be postmarked by deadline date of September 20, 2024.


11.  Sign-up online for Miss America Membership.  This is a one time $39.99 fee for the entire 2024-2025 competition season (July 2024 - February 2025) regardless of the number of preliminaries in which you compete.

12. ORDER YOUR REBEL ATHLETIC WEAR ASAP:  Contestants are expected to wear attire from Rebel             Athletic - choosing a top and bottom from the below website.  All outfits will be red.  Please plan           accordingly and order well enough in advance to receive by competition day.  If you intend on competing in multiple preliminaries, the good news is that you can order and use the same outfit repeatedly.  Visit Rebel Athletic to order your outfit (must order from the Miss America page/link provided).  When selecting your items and checking out, you must enter the Miss Alabama code:  CODE TO BE PROVIDED CLOSER TO THE EVENT.  If you have any issues or concerns about ordering this outfit, please contact us at

Lake Martin

Lake Martin
Teen Alabama

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